Saturday, October 6, 2012

Goodbye, Dot or Days 31 and 32

We went to the Dixie Classic Fair on Thursday. While there, George completed this Language Arts & Humanities worksheet I created.

Sometime Thursday while we were away, Dot died. She was fine Thursday morning when we left -- I checked her water and gave her a yogurt treat.

Fancy mice live on average 18 months, which is exactly how old Dot was, so I guess there's nothing we could have done.

When we came home and saw what had happened, we were devastated. We held her sweet, little body and decided to have her cremated.

Friday I took Dot's body to the vet with the words George wrote to go on the container that will come back holding her ashes. I told him it would be a very small container so he needed to be brief.

She was a good mouse.

Dot's cage was right next to us in our little, blue schoolroom. Today we felt her absence tremendously and so fled to see a movie as soon as possible after we finished our work.

I think we may work at one of the libraries for the next few days.


wstachour said...

Awww. RIP, Dot. Sad, but an important life's lesson just the same.

RLR said...

So sorry to hear about Dot.

We enjoyed the fair after school on Wednesday - only got a few sprinkles while we were there.

Lucy said...

Thank you for your kind sentiments. It's been much harder than I would have thought.